Perfect for gemstones, coins, beads, earrings, rings, and much more. Every size of this bag is made out of a clear polypropylene. At Gems on Display, we want to do more than only satisfying our customers. We want to exceed your expectations by bringing you the best customer service, product selection, and value in the industry. This item is in the category "Business & Industrial\Material Handling\Packing & Shipping\Packing & Shipping Bags\Reclosable & Zipper Bags".
The seller is "gemsondisplay" and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to North, South, or Latin America, Denmark, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vatican City State, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Wallis and Futuna, Sudan, Gambia, Malaysia, Cameroon, Mayotte, Taiwan, Azerbaijan Republic, Poland, Macau, Georgia, Oman, Tonga, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, San Marino, Guinea-Bissau, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Eritrea, Senegal, Togo, Morocco, Ireland, Qatar, Burundi, Netherlands, Belarus, Iraq, Slovakia, Slovenia, Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, Mauritania, Philippines, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Western Sahara, Comoros, Sweden, Spain, Iceland, Estonia, Macedonia, Belgium, Israel, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Benin, Algeria, Zambia, South Korea, Somalia, Vanuatu, Albania, Italy, Swaziland, Ethiopia, Monaco, Niger, Tanzania, Laos, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Ghana, Djibouti, China, Cape Verde Islands, Moldova, Mali, Botswana, Republic of Croatia, Cambodia, Madagascar, Indonesia, Portugal, Malta, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Saint Helena, Lebanon, Cyprus, Seychelles, Liberia, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Maldives, Australia, Austria, Gibraltar, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Gabon Republic, Lesotho, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Bulgaria, Jordan, Guinea, Czech Republic, Norway, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Burma, Chad, Kiribati, Andorra, Turkmenistan, Greece, Romania, India, Yemen, Afghanistan, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Montenegro, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Japan, Nepal, Lithuania, Bahrain, United Kingdom, Malawi, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Angola, Finland, Tunisia, Luxembourg, Uganda, Turkey, Western Samoa, France, Tuvalu, Germany, Egypt, Latvia, Mozambique, Namibia, Niue, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam.